Zus Data Mart

Make outcomes tracking a breeze.

As they say - what gets measured gets better.
Tabularized data that’s portable and ready-to-use.

Patient data is infinitely more usable when you can plug it into your database for analytics – but with FHIR’s nested structure, this often isn’t possible. That’s why Zus has created a process we call rectangularization: we take JSON data and export it to tables for easy analysis.

With the Zus Data Mart, you can start measuring health outcomes and quality metrics in no time, either via our standard Snowflake offering or in your own data visualization solution.

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Customizable dashboards
We make it easy to execute the unique data analyses you need to keep your business humming.
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Prove the value you deliver
Our analytics solution paves the way to demonstrating the improved health and financial outcomes your team works so hard to generate.
Level up your quality metrics
Zus data is often more recent and complete than claims data, creating a glide path to more efficient quality reporting.
Seamless risk stratification

Your care team’s time is limited, and you need to make sure that they spend their time where they can have the most impact. The Zus Data Mart makes it easy to quickly identify the highest-risk patients based on your program’s criteria and prioritize them for accelerated outreach and care.

More complete and efficient quality score measurement

HEDIS, Stars, MIPS and more…the acronyms never end. With the Data Mart, you can leverage real-time Zus data directly in reporting dashboards. No more relying on lagging claims data accessed through your partners – take matters into your own hands. 

Perspectives from value-based care orgs

Claims are great for gathering high-level information, but it doesn't tell you what actually happened during that 99-204. If you had 10-15 diagnoses on a current event, you may only get 8-10 of those. The raw clinical data that Zus provides helps us get a full picture of the patient as close to that encounter as possible.

We can log into our payer partner's portal, but it's a manual search. We had teams trying to build a real-time actionable list into a notification, but the best they had was outdated data. Having Zus data from the last 5 days is actionable and incredibly helpful.

For the pop health manager
Target specific patients and deploy your care team most effectively to optimize patient care
For the analytics leader
Leverage tabularized patient data in your existing data lake and analyze to your heart’s desire
For the bizops manager
Keep a steady pulse on your patient population’s health trends and the business metrics that matter most
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Zus Health