Zus Aggregated Profile

Intelligent patient data.

Ready and relevant at information speed.
match rate
integration pathways
A million stories high, and growing.
Tap into a single, shareable view of a patient's healthcare history.

The Zus Aggregated Profile gives you the whole story so you can prevent patient hospitalizations and disease progression before they happen. With proactive insights and constantly refreshed data, you will never miss a beat on your patients’ healthcare experiences. 

Illustration of patient Roger having an urgent task to follow up on missed insulin refill
Comprehensive, relevant data
All the information in one place, curated for immediate use
Whole-person, wraparound care
Enabled by real-time alerting and insights into patient behavior
More satisfied clinicians
Gone are the days of diving through PDFs - help your teams do what they do best
Purpose-built for your use case
Zus App
The quickest way to never miss a beat on your patients.
Components of the Zus products
Zus API & Components
The most customizable option for deep integration.
EHR & SaaS Integrations
Data embedded in the workflows you live in.
Data Mart
Ready-to-use analytics for the population health leader.
Medical History data
◊ History ◊ Intelligent refresh


→ Pull a snapshot of your patients’ health history sourced from national EHR network
→ Deliver more informed care with no administrative burden
→ Set it and forget it: Zus updates the data intelligently to ensure new data is available at the right time


The details

  • 270M+ patients represented across the United States and growing
  • Breadth of patient medical information spanning conditions, medications, allergies, care team, documents, and more
◊ History ◊ Alerting


→ Access comprehensive medication data, including medication request and dispense data
→ Act upon real-time alerts when a patient picks up a medication, misses a refill window, or is prescribed a new medication from another provider


The details

  • 324M patients represented across 99% of U.S. pharmacies
  • Up to 12 months of dispensed medication paid claims and pharmacy fill history
ADT feeds
◊ History ◊ Alerting


→ Receive real-time alerts for patient hospital and urgent care encounters to immediately intervene after critical health events
→ Reduce hospital readmissions and improve patient outcomes with wraparound care
→ Maintain a complete picture of patients’ interactions with the healthcare system


The details

  • 200M+ patients covered by national network
  • Typically includes data on encounter type, location, date, and treating practitioner
◊ History ◊ Alerting


→ Understand your patients’ recent diagnostic journey and condition severity
→ Reduce duplicate and redundant lab orders with up-to-date results at your fingertips
→ Intervene immediately for high-risk patients with real-time alerting


The details

  • Relationships with 50% of U.S. hospitals and physicians
  • Up to 2 years of historical lab results
Why should I use Zus?
Zus Health